
Glenn T. Seaborg Science Complex

Students and researchers experience a seamless educational experience in undergraduate sciences in this complex that promotes an interdisciplinary science community rather than ten independent academic programs. This 128,000 SF facility is adjacent to the existing Luther West Science Building.  The three-story building is connected on all levels of the existing facility.  The sloping site affords […]

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Superior Dome

Whether a spectator or participant, being in the Superior Dome is an event in itself.  It is an opportunity to be in the world’s largest wood-domed structure at a span of 536 feet, and to observe how its mechanically retractable synthetic turf can overlay the track/court surface in preparation for field sports. Because of its […]

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Glenn T. Seaborg Science Complex

Students and researchers experience a seamless educational experience in undergraduate sciences in this complex that promotes an interdisciplinary science community rather than ten independent academic programs. This 128,000 SF facility is adjacent to the existing Luther West Science Building.  The three-story building is connected on all levels of the existing facility.  The sloping site affords […]

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